2021 Downtown Ashtabula
Christmas Parade
Parade Date: Friday, November 19, 2021
Parade Line-up: 6pm
Parade Step Off Time: 7:00 PM
Parade Route: Main Avenue and Park Avenue
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2021 Downtown Ashtabula Christmas Parade. This is a great opportunity for your group or organization to share your talents and pride with our community. The theme of the parade is “A CHRISTMAS STORY”, and where possible, units are asked to use much “A CHRISTMAS STORY” AND Christmas lights (parade will be held after dark), colorful displays, costumes, music and float(s).
Please complete the information on the second page of the downloadable pdf, about your unit. Read the guidelines for participation and return your application to the address below. You will receive a confirmation and detailed information, including your line up number, prior to the parade. Units must meet participating guidelines (detailed on page 3).
The parade will follow the police and fire heading north on Park Avenue (corner of 42nd St. and Park Ave.), turn right (east) on Lake Avenue, then South on Main Avenue; turn right onto 48th Street (by the tracks) then head north on Park Avenue; end at the old Carlisle parking lot for a complete loop.
Please complete the application neatly.
Preferably by email: addachristmasparade@yahoo.com
ATTN: Suzy Kist, Christmas Parade Chair
4610 Main Avenue
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004