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Christmas Snowman Contest 2021
Contest is open to all Merchants, Local Organiza5ons and Private individuals. 
Forms must be in no later than Friday October 15, 2021 at 5pm 

Sponsored by: Ashtabula Downtown Development Association


Contest Information to register via mail or email: 

1. Mail form to: ADDA P.O Box 362 Ashtabula Ohio 44004 ATTN: Snowman

2. Email form to:


Must be in by October 15, 2021 @5pm Snowman Cutouts will be available for pick up on Thursday, October 21 at 5pm. You will be notified as to where you will pick them up. Finished Snowmen must be dropped off Tuesday, November 16 @ 8-10am Snowman will be displayed throughout Main Avenue Starting Friday November 12 and will remain up until January 8, 2022. Your snowman figure can’t be larger than 4 feet tall by 3 feet wide and 20 inches deep. Your personal Identity must be no larger than 4 inches by 12 inches on the front of your snowman. Snowman must be able to withstand outdoor conditions. NO lights or automation is allowed. The ADDA and its sponsors are not responsible for your snowman.


Tastefully themed snowman are encouraged, items considered not appropriate will be returned.


There will be 3 prizes of $25 One per category (Commercial, Private, and Local OrganizaPon). All Judges Decisions are final. Winners will be announced on Saturday, November 20 and will be notified by phone. You can pick your snowman up January 9 from 9am-11. If arrangements have not be made by January 9 for a different time, the snowmen become property of the ADDA. If you have questions please feel free to contact Myke Dowd at 994-6013 or


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c 2015-2024 Ashtabula Downtown Development Association. 


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